PO Box 416 • 30 Wellness Way • Sparta, NC 28675

Welcome to our family!

Social Programs

Social programs-ACOA offer social connections to seniors at a stage in life where isolation is all too common. These connections include cultural events, walking groups, bingo, cards and games, educational classes, an fieldtrips.

Information and referrals-ACOA served as the lead agency in Allegany for helping seniors and their families with information and community resources for the elderly.

Alleghany Aging Population Statistics

32% of Alleghany County’s population is age 60 over

The 65+ population is the fastest growing segment in the county

By 2030, the 85+ will double

26% of persons age 60 or over live in poverty

In 2017, there were 597 veterans age 65 or over

30% of persons age 65 over live alone


Lunch is provided to Seniors via congregate, drive thru, or delivery (based on qualifications).


We contract with Alleghany in Motion to provide Seniors a way to and from the Senior Center.

Social Programs

We provide social connections to Seniors at a stage in life when isolation is all too common.

In-Home Aide

We offer two levels of In- Home Aide to meet the needs of our Senior community.

Our Mission

The mission of Alleghany County Council on aging (ACOA) is to promote the well being of Alleghany County’s older adults by supporting services and activities which are intended to enhance their dignity, support their involvement in and with our community.

PO Box 416 • 30 Wellness Way • Sparta, NC 28675