Alleghany Council on Aging

Alleghany Council on Aging (ACOA) offers a comprehensive array of services to older adults and their families. An over laying premise of our services are to allow persons to age successfully at home as an alternative to nursing home placement. The services are offered through cooperative funding, which includes federal, state, county, as well as various grants, donation, and fundraisers.


Karon Edwards

Board of Directors 

Lauren Barricklow

Pat Polley

Kevin Griffith

Marge Gray

Bobby Irwin

Brett Liverman

Amy Lucas

Stacey Presnell

Wanda Smith

N.C. Division of Aging

Title 3 of the older Americans Act Services

(60 years of age or older)

  • In-Home Aide , Level 1
  • In-Home Aide , Level 2
  • Respite Care
  • Congregate Meals
  • Home-Delivered Meals- Form
  • Emergency and Shelf-Stable Meals
  • Health Promotions
  • Outreach
  • Information and Referral
  • Senior Companions
  • Legal Services
  • Income tax Assistance
  • S.H.I.I.P. Senior Health Insurance Info Program
  • Social Security Assistance

Senior Center Activities

  • Social Activities
  • Fitness Center
  • Silver Striders
  • N.C. Senior Games
  • Senior Tar Heel Legislature
  • Club Meetings
  • Blood Pressure Checks
  • Nutrition Information and Education
  • Fun Trips
  • Music and Singing
  • Local Agency Visits
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Best Value Hearing
  • Monthly Activities at:

Alleghany Wellness Center

Glade Creek Fire Department

Turkey Knob Community Building

Alleghany County Council on Aging, Inc. Provides a broad range of services designed to improve the quality of life for older adults by:

  • Supporting frail older adults in their preference to be cared for at home
  • Improving/maintaining the physical and mental health status of older adults
  • Enabling older adults to maintain or regain independent functioning
  • Assisting older adults and persons acting on behalf of older adults with accessing needed services and information
  • Providing relief to caregivers of older adults so they may continue their care giving responsibilities
  • Providing community service opportunities for older adults

be a volunteer

Your services are needed for home delivered meals

" we need volunteers"

Please help us with this much needed service

Please call (336)372-4640


The over sixty age group is the fastest growing population in the nation. Alleghany County and communities throughout North Carolina are experiencing increased numbers of senior residents. As a result of this dramatic growth, we must be ready to meet the challenges and to realize the opportunities of an aging population.

The demographics from the 60+ population in Alleghany County are most revealing. The single fact that now almost 1 in 3 persons in Alleghany are age 60 or over is most significant.

With the waves of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age, coupled with longer life expectancy and people moving to the county, planning is and will remain crucial.

We look to the future with optimism as we face these challenges and prioritize our efforts. It is with the ongoing support of Alleghany County Government that we continue to have a measurable impact on older adults, their families, and their caregivers.